Today I bring you…. The Turkish Get Up
Contrary to popular belief, not all Turkish people stand up this way.
But really, the history of the Turkish Get Up is very blurry, one may even say controversial. There are quite a few urban legends if you look up its meaning but there isn’t one sure story. However, one thing that remains constant amongst all the stories is that it's a TRUE measure of strength, it's an extremely FUNCTIONAL movement, and being able to get up from a seated position off the ground or from your back is a true indication of ✨longevity✨.
The most standing stories seem to be that when someone came along and wanted to join the strong men back in the strong men days they were told to go and learn to do the Get Up part with 100 pounds and then come back to be trained. However, it seems the term “Turkish” in the title doesn’t describe any part of the movement itself nor does it specifically apply to Turkish people. Rather it comes from the name of a seated position which was called a “Turkish sit” similar to how they say sit “Indian style”.
While the name remains a mystery, its benefits certainly do not.
From this one exercise you work:
Hip, ankle, and shoulder mobility
Core in multiple planes
Spinal rotation
Overhead stability and range of motion
Glute strength
Hinge, lunge, and rotational patterns
Coordination and proprioception
I mean how could you not want to try it?!
Important to note that you can use this exercise in 2 ways:
To build strength - add more weight, a heavier DB or KB
To improve balance, mobility and coordination - Use a light and unstable object like a shoe, a balance disc, or any kind of foam workout pad
So pick your poison and start learning to execute a Turkish Get Up… please as always start with no weight and really get the movement down before adding any bells and whistles! It will pay off in the long run that you’re doing this correctly.
Like I mentioned in the introduction, this movement is known to improve longevity as it demonstrates one’s ability to get up off the ground. As we age, it tends to become harder and harder to get up off the ground because we usually decrease our overall activity and become more sedentary making us weaker, less mobile, and tight.
This comes with many consequences, but in relation to this particular exercise post, it ALSO makes it harder to get up! And unfortunately when we become weak, mobile, and tight we are more likely to fall which become far more dangerous if we are unable to get up afterwards and call for help.
So go grab your parents or grandparents and start working on your TGUs! It just might save their life one day :~)
As always, if you have any questions or if you are ready to make the jump to start working with your very own movement specialist, book your very own consultation by clicking any BOOK NOW button on our website.
Until next time,
You movement specialists